Thursday, May 20, 2010

Im looking for a certain myspace quiz/survey?

theres this survey/quiz that i saw on myspace before.

in a bulletin from my friend. it was a while back.

and i was looking for it today but cant find it.

maybe you can help?

it says like "grab a piece of paper, and number it 1 to 11"

and, you have to answer the questions, and it will tell you for like a certain number to put your answer.

and then for the results, its like it can read you ****** mind. LMAO.

i know its corny, me dooing this, but i wonna do something.

ILL CHOOSE YOU BEST ANSWER, if you can find it for me.

Im looking for a certain myspace quiz/survey?


****************GRAB A PIECE OF***************

**************PAPER AND A PENCIL!!*************


**************NUMBER*IT 1 - 10!!!!!!*************

*************HERE'S THE TEST!!!!!!!**************

1. Pick your favorite color out of the following:

A. Red

B. Orange

C. Yellow

D. Green

E. Blue

F. Purple

2. Pick your favorite animal out of the following:

A. Cat

B. Dog

C. Fish

D. Snake

E. Parrot

F. Mouse

3. Pick your desired honeymoon spot:

A. Hawaii

B. New York

C. East Africa

D. Spain

E. Montana

4. Pick your favorite instrument:

A. Violin

B. Piano

C. Electric Guitar

D. Drums

5. Pick your favorite soft drink:

A. Dr. Pepper

B. Sprite

C. Coca Cola

D. Pepsi

E. Mountain Dew

6. Name A Person Of The Opposite Sex...

7. Name A Person Of The Same Sex...

8. The Time Now...

9. Your Age

10. You don't have to write it down, but make a WISH

...and then scroll down! (now go down, and you will see the answers!!!

******** *********

*********** ************

************* *************



































































Question number ONE:

A. Red - Adventerous

B.. Orange - Fun

C. Yellow - Sweet

D. Green - Wacky

E. Blue - Romantic

F. Purple - Mysterious

Question number TWO:

A. Cat - Feminine

B. Dog - Loving

C. Fish - Boring

D. Snake - Boyish

E. Parrot - Annoying

F. Mouse - Brainy

Question number THREE:

A. Hawaii - Romantic

B. New York - Busy

C. East Africa - Curious

D. Spain - Mysterious

E. Montana - Country Girl/Boy

Question number FOUR:

A. Violin - Intellectual

B. Piano - Popular

C. Electric Guitar - Wacky

D. Drums - Wild

Question number FIVE:

A. Dr. Pepper - Popular

B. Sprite - Wacky

C. Coca Cola - Wild

D. Pepsi - Fun

E. Mountain Dew - Athletic

Question number SIX:

That person will have a crush on you after you

repost this!

Question number SEVEN:

That person will become your enemy if you don't

repost this!

Question number EIGHT:

How long you have to repost this!

(Ex: 8:31 = 8 hours and 31 minutes)

Question number NINE:

How many months that you and the person in number 6 will go out! if you repost this

Question number TEN:

That will come true if you repost this in the amount

of time (question) number 8 says!


repost it as "bf/gf test"

Nanny Agency

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