Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you consider an inter-racial relationship?

There was a question on one of those Myspace bulletin surveys last week that said "Have you ever been in an inter-racial relationship?" and I jokingly put "Does Arabic Count? lol" and all of my friends started replying saying HELL YES, IT COUNTS!

Anyhow, in case you didn't gather from the above sentence, I am a Caucasian who is essentially a European mutt boasting English, Irish, Scottish, French and German as my heritages.

Curiously, I have never been accused of being in an inter-racial relationship with my ex-husband who is Italian, Slovak and Polish or with my ex-boyfriend who is 100% off the boat Ukrainian. I have absolutely nothing in common with their national origins as well.

To most people, exactly what does one consider to be an inter-racial relationship?

I'm more of the ilk that people are people and that as long as you have similar values and morals - there should be no problem in dating anybody you wish.

What do you consider an inter-racial relationship?
Interracial relationship is when you are going out with somebody who is not your same race... HOWEVER, most people when you ask them what an interracial relationship is, they picture an african american with a caucasian, a hispanic with a caucasian... Very ignorant i think.
Reply:There is no such thing as an inter racial relationship because its not consistent. Its impossible to classify someone as one race when you trace back your roots you will find out you are mixed with some other race and no one in 2007 is a pure race. I just think its stupid because we don't go around talking about interracial friendships and workers.
Reply:It just has to do with skin color, if you actually think about it.. I dont know why it would make a difference in life but yes thats what I consider.

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