Sunday, November 15, 2009

Myspace bulletin?

How do you post a bulletin on myspace?

Or like repost something like those surveys like, When's your birthday and what's your favorite show and stuff like that


Myspace bulletin?
Go to "View All Bulletin Entries" under all of your friends bulletins. After that you'll be given the option to "Post Bulletin".

To copy surveys, you simply just copy and paste it onto your new bulletin. Hope this helps.
Reply:when you sign onto your myspace account.. under where your user picture on the left side will be, it will say INBOX, SENT, and i believe friend requests and post a bulletin..

or you can go to view all bulletins and the post a bulletin from there.

if you want to copy a survey, right highlight it and past it into a new bulletin!!

Reply:To repost, you have to copy the bulletin, and then go to your home page and down to the bulletin space. In the bottom right corner there is a link that says 'Post Bulletin.' Click it and paste the bulletin you're going to repost into the big text box.
Reply:Copy the survey go back to the bulletin board, post bulletin, paste it, then backspace the old answers and write your own, then hit post, then another page will come up and you hit post bulletin

web browser

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