Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Theres this boy . . .?

I have known this boy for awhile now. We are pretty good friends. The thing is, I REALLY like him. I mean I am nearly in love with this boy. But, I am too afraid to tell him. On his Myspace survey in his bulletin it says that he likes someone far away. So, I know it isn't me.

Because we live close to each other. And, I am just afraid of him rejecting Me. It seems like everytime I do something, I always think of him. No matter what it is. My friend thinks I should tell him. But what do you think I should do?

Or, if you think I should tell him . . . How should I go about doing it?


Theres this boy . . .?
he might be checking your response to his msg on myspace .. join him and play the game . . put something on your myspace that might force him to think .. well if there is no reaction from him then u know that he doesnt care .. but if there is reaction then post another question here and tell us how was his reaction ..
Reply:i think you should tell him. the worst that can happen is that he tells you he really likes someone else. but you will never know until you try. life is too short GO FOR IT!!!! good luck
Reply:Tell him that you like him in a manner that you are most comfortable with. If light touching is your style, do it that way. Unfortunately, if they boy is too dumb to interpret this, you'll have to flat out tell him that you like him.

Also, don't be afraid of rejection. Getting rejected is a lot less painful than regretting not telling him years later. Good luck.
Reply:I think that you should have your feelings out in the open. DONT SAY YOU LOVE HIM because it might scare him off. Just tell him that you like him. Tell him it's o.k. if he doesn't like you, you just wanted to let him know. Dont be scared, just do it because if you dont it will bug the heck out of you. Believe me, I know.
Reply:Try sending him an email and tell him you really like him and want to know if you two might have a chance in dating. But if not you still want to be friends.

Reply:Just sit down with him and tell him that you really like him and just tell him how you truly feel and if he feels the same way then great and if he doesn't feel the same way tell him it's ok and don't let it ruin your relationship.
Reply:you know what girl just get all over this foo us guys dont care about anything else than getting laid yeah its true and about him liking some one far far away yeah thats just the way to say i want to get laid
Reply:just tell him the way you feel or else you might never know what could of been..the worse that can happen is that he will say no but you can still be friends and at least you would know you did something bout it..
Reply:just ask him out
Reply:I guess it's pretty scary, but unless you want to keep obssessing from afar, then you'll have to tell him. You may get rejected but at least you know you tried. There's nothing worse then not trying at all.

Good luck!!! Hope it works out for the best!
Reply:Stop being such a panzy and just ask him out, if he says yes then there you go, if he says no then OH well, plenty of fish in the sea!

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