Sunday, November 15, 2009

MYSPACE help!!! please?

ok where do people find myspace bulletin surveys? u noe like this one but i want the site to get these...


1: First grade teacher's name: F0RG0T LOL

2. Last word you said: SHUT UP iTS MY COMPUTER LOL

3: Last song you sang: WHiTE %26amp; NERDY

4: Last person you hugged: ARYAN%26lt;33

5: Last thing you laughed at?: MY BR0O

6: Last time you said I don't remember:TODAY TO KYREE LOL

7: Last time you cried?: ON MY BiRTHDAY


9: What color socks are you wearing: WHITE

10: What's under your bed:B0XES

11: What time did you wake up today:AT 7:11

12: Current taste: BUDDD

13: Current hair: LOSE

14. Current Song: WHiTE %26amp; NERDY

15: Current annoyance: THE HEATER

16: Current longing: HUH?!?!

17: Current desktop background: CLOUDS

18: Current worry: HAPPY

20: Current favorite article of clothing:PJs

21: Favorite physical features of the opposite sex: EYES %26amp; HAiR

22: Last CD that you listened to: STORYTELLER

23: Favorite place to be: PARTY

24: Least favorite place: SCH0OL


MYSPACE help!!! please?
Ahhh... Surveys galore can be found at the following site! Plus it gives you an easy code to copy and paste into a new bulliten.
Reply:maybe try searching yahoo for keywords: Myspace survey

P.S sometimes on the other persons page you are looking at it will have a hyperlink that says make your own survey or something like that
Reply:I think you should click "Home" along the top toolbar, below the ads, and then click "Post Bulletin", it is in a blue rectangle near "Inbox" and "Friend requests". Some people like to post them in their pages, such as in the "About Me" section, but I think it makes it hard to read.
Reply:they get passed around from person to DONT have to look for them...they come to you...
Reply:usually on in the bulletins, but you have to sign up and get a bunch of people to get some decent bulletins...personally i dont have much use for myspace anymore

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